LS绡紡鐮傜(鏈�      LS  Basket  Sand  Mill
       Suitable for small batch of production and the predispersing and grinding can be finished in a painting cylinder. The speed of main shaft can be adjustable with steady and smooth running and noise,less attached device(colour changing easily),convenient to wash, the grinting medium changing more easily, the product loss is small.
瑙勬牸 TYPE LS3 LS10 LS20
钃濅綋瀹圭Н     Basket capacity     L 3 10 20
閰嶅绛掍綋瀹圭Н  Tank capacity      L <100 <230 <450
涓荤數鏈哄姛鐜�   Main motor         KW 15 22 15
娌规车鐢垫満鍔熺巼  Pump motor        KW 1.1 1.5 1.5
涓昏酱杞��    Speed              rpm 0-1450 0-800 0-600
鐮旂(浠嬭川    Beads                 

ZrO2 Beads

ZrO2 Beads

ZrO2 Beads

姹熻嫃鐪佹睙闃村競搴风洓鏈烘鏈夐檺鍏徃 鐗堟潈鎵�鏈�       鎶�鏈敮鎸侊細姹熼槾楂橀��